My Brother, My friend…

We've known each other for our whole lives,
From near and from far apart..
We've had moments of anger, laughter, grief and love,
And stood by each other in times that were tough.

I thank God that you are in my life
A face that I can look to in times of smiles and strife
A family is not just about faces, words or physical presence
It’s also about love, care and genuine prayers
Something you've done and shown me how to do.

I've lived in Bahrain till I turned 18. We were just four… me, my dad, my mom and my elder brother. We were a very close knit family… Always went about together, did stuff together as my dad never really thought it was a good idea to roam about the streets of Bahrain without adult supervision. Maybe it was because it was never really safe. Maybe it was safe but he wasn't very sure about it. Maybe he thought, after all the time we spent in school, tutions and for extra-curricular activities, the remaining should be with family. Whatever the reason was, we understood very little of it back then.

The Journey

I joined a world famous club last month! The joining fee was quite expensive as it was painful, and the maintenance fee is even more expensive in terms of worrying, fretting and praying fervently! Any guesses what the club is? It's Motherhood. Yup, I'm a mother today to my sweet little baby girl.

A couple of months ago, my brother had asked me to write a guest post on his blog regarding my pregnancy. Reluctant due to various reasons, I had declined from doing it then. But today, having completed the miraculous journey of 9 months, I'm glad I have such a forum to discuss what I went through. So, calling all mothers-to-be [and others as well ;)] , do read my post here. And psst... come back and leave comments here ok? LOL.